
崔磊 (Lei Cui),女,博士,副教授 (Ph.D, Associate Professor)


B.Sc. Qufu Normal University, Qufu, China.


M.Ed. South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.


Ph.D. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China.


Currently, I am employed as a researcher and professor at the Department of Psychology, Shandong Normal University.


My research interests mainly focus on visual cognitive psychology. Particularly, I am interested in cognitive processing during Chinese reading, which include eye movement control model, compound processing and text comprehension.











Selected Papers in Western Journals:

Gabriel, U*., Kim, J., Öttl, A., Gygax, P., Cui, L., Hyönä, J., & Nagel, O. (2023). Norms on the Gender Perception of Role Nouns: Gender Ratio Data for Chinese, Finnish, and Russian. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 11(2), 1–9.

Cui, L.*, Zang, C., Xu, X., Zhang, W., Su, Y., & Liversedge, S. P. (2021). Predictability effects and parafoveal processing of compound words in natural Chinese reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(1), 18-29.

Cui, L.*, Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Cong, F., Zhang, W., & Hyönä, J.* (2020). Compound word frequency modifies the effect of character frequency in Reading Chinese. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(4), 610-633.

Cui, L.*, Cong, F., Wang, J., Zhang, W., Zheng, Y., & Hyönä, J*. (2018). Effects of grammatical structure of compound words on word recognition in Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 258.

Drieghe, D., Cui, L.*, Yan, G., Bai, X., Chi, H., & Liversedge, S. P. (2018). The morphosyntactic structure of compound words influences parafoveal processing in Chinese reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 71(1),190-197.

Cui, L., Zhang, W., Zheng, Y. ,& Hyönä, J*. (2017). Reading monomorphemic and compound words in Chinese. The Mental Lexicon, 12(1), 1-20.

Cui, L., Drieghe, Denis*, Bai, X., Yan, G. and Liversedge, Simon P. (2014) Parafoveal preview benefit in unspaced and spaced Chinese reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67(11): 2172-2188.

Cui, L., Yan, G., Bai, X., J. Hyönä*., Wang, S., & Liversedge, S. P. (2013). Parallel Processing of Compound Word Characters in Reading Chinese: An Eye Movement Contingent Display Change Study. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(3): 527-547.

Cui, L., Drieghe, D., Yan, G., Bai, X., Hui, C., & Liversedge, S. P*. (2013). Parafoveal Processing Across Different Lexical Constituents in Chinese Reading. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(2): 403-416.

Shen, D., Liversedge, S. P*., Tian, J., Zang, C., Cui, L., Bai, X., Yan, G., & Keith, R. (2012). Eye Movements of Second Language Learners when Reading Spaced and Unspaced Chinese Text. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18(2):192-202.

Yan, G., Bai, X., Zang, C., Bian, Q., Cui, L., Qi, W., Keith, R. & Liversedge, S. P*(2012). Using Stroke Removal to Investigate Chinese Character Identification during Reading: Evidence From Eye Movements. Reading and Writing, 25(5):951-979.

Selected Papers in Chinese Journals:

宋悉妮, 徐晓晨, 杨秀莉, 孙桂苓, 郑玉玮, 崔磊*. (2022). 预期性、词频和笔画数对中文词汇识别影响的眼动研究. 心理科学, 45(05), 1061-1068.

关宜韫, 宋悉妮, 郑玉玮, 张颖靓, 崔磊*. (2019). 中文词间词和词内词预视加工的差异:词间阴影的作用. 心理学报 51(8), 1-13.

崔磊, 关宜韫, 张颖靓, 闫国利*. (2019). 单字词和复合词预视加工的差异性研究:词边界信息无影响. 心理科学(6), 1298-1304.

王珏,丛凤娇,朱凤娟,关宜韫,崔磊*. (2018). 预视加工对标点符号跳读的影响. 应用心理学. 24(2),175-182.

迟慧, 闫国利*, 许晓露, 夏萤, 崔磊, 白学军. (2014). 声旁语音信息对形声字加工的影响来自眼动研究的证据. 心理学报, 46(09),1242-1260.

闫国利*, 迟慧, 崔磊, 夏萤, 许晓露, 白学军. (2014). 汉字笔画像素数省略对中文句子阅读影响的眼动研究. 心理科学, 37(03), 521-527.

张巧明*, 崔磊.(2014). 小学生对不同词语类型预视加工的发展.心理与行为研究12(05), 645-651.

闫国利*, 迟慧, 卞迁, 徐子珺, 崔磊. (2013). 声旁与笔画省略方式对形声字识别的影响. 心理科学, 36(01), 14-19.

闫国利*, 熊建萍*, 臧传丽, 余莉莉, 崔磊, 白学军. (2013). 阅读研究中的主要眼动指标评述.心理科学进展, 21(04),589-605.

闫国利*, 孙莎莎, 崔磊, 白学军. (2013). 汉字命名与句子阅读中的同音字密度效应. 心理科学, 36(04), 776-780.

崔磊, 王穗苹*, 闫国利, 白学军. (2010). 中文阅读中副中央凹与中央凹相互影响的眼动实验. 心理学报, 42(5), 547–558.












山东省济南市历下区文化东路88(No 88, Lixia District, Wenhua East Road, Jinan, Shandong, 250014, P.R. China)

Email: cuilei_cn@163.com

8188cc威尼斯 (Department of Psychology, Shandong Normal University)
