

发展与教育心理学(学硕), 心理健康教育(专硕)







2024年1月-至今 8188cc威尼斯,副教授

2023年2月- 2023年12 爱丁堡大学,访问学者,合作者:Professor Heather Whalley

2019年10月-2024年1月 8188cc威尼斯,讲师

2019年08月-至今 8188cc威尼斯博士后流动站,合作导师:张文新教授

2016年10月-2018年9 哈佛医学院附属麻省总医院,联合培养博士,导师:Professor Hesheng Liu

2015年9月-2019年6 西南大学心理学部,博士,导师:邱江教授

2011年9月-2014年6 西南大学心理学部,硕士,导师:邱江教授


1. 2016年重庆市研究生科研创新项目(编号 CYB16061),主持,完成

2. 2017年中央高校基本科研业务费学生项目(编号 SWU1709569),主持,完成

3. 2017年重庆市科协“科技新星培育工程”(编号 kjxx2017011),主持,完成

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基因与环境对创造性发展及其大脑结构与功能的影响(编号31771231),2018.1-2021.12,参与

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:无创脑刺激治疗酒精使用障碍的因果调控机制研究(编号61876156),2019.1-2022.12,参与

6. 2019年第66批中国博士后科学基金面上资助(编号2019M662433),青少年抑郁症患者脑网络异质性及个体化识别研究,2019.11-2021.11,主持

7. 2020年度山东省博士后创新项目,欺凌诱发青少年抑郁症患者自杀风险的神经机制(编号239735),2020.07-2022.07,主持

8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号32000760),青少年抑郁症患者脑功能网络异质性特征及认知控制的影响,2021.01-2023.12,主持

9. 科技创新 2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目,中国学龄儿童脑智发育队列研究——8188cc威尼斯队列建设,2021.12-2026.11,参与

10. 2022年度鲁渝科技协作计划项目,多模态影像融合辅助诊断注意缺陷多动障碍共患病技术,2022.12-2023.12,参与

11. 2022年山东省高等学校青年创新团队(编号2022KJ252),青少年情感障碍脑认知神经创新团队,带头人

12. 2023年中国博士后科学基金第16批特别资助(站中)(编号2023T160397),家庭环境影响青少年抑郁发展及其脑功能网络机制,2023.07-2025.06,主持

13. 2023年8188cc威尼斯人文社会科学校级科研项目,亲子沟通影响青少年抑郁症发病的脑神经机制:基于超扫描技术研究,2023.05—2025.05,主持


BMC psychiatry 杂志编委

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience等杂志审稿人




数据库英文名称:Shandong Adolescent Neuroimaging project of Depression(SAND)





ORCID: orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-3025-8294

Web of science: www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/IXD-8213-2023


1.  Yixin Zhang#, Xuan Liu#, Ying Yang#, Feiyu Xu, Xinjuan Jin, Junqi Gao, Dexin Yu, Bernhard Hommel, Xingxing Zhu*, Kangcheng Wang* and Wenxin Zhang. “Revealing complexity: beyond the whole—segmentation of hippocampal subfields in adolescents with depression and its relationships with cognition”. European Psychiatry (2024), in press.

2.  Yufei Hu#, Ying Yang#, Zhengna He, Duanwei Wang, Feiyu Xu, Xingxing Zhu* and Kangcheng Wang*. Self-concept Mediates the Relationships Between Childhood Traumatic Experiences and Adolescent Depression in both Clinical and Community Samples”. BMC Psychiatry (2024), in press.


1. Kangcheng Wang, Yufei Hu, Qiang He, Feiyu Xu, Yanjing Wu, Ying Yang and Wenxin Zhang. “Network analysis links adolescent depression with childhood, peer, and family risk environment factors.” Journal of Affective Disorders (2023): 330, 165-172.

2. Kangcheng Wang, Xingyan Li, Xiaotong Wang, Bernhard Hommel, Xiaodi Xia, Jiang Qiu, Yixiao Fu, and Zheyi Zhou. " In vivo analyses reveal hippocampal subfield volume reductions in adolescents with schizophrenia, but not with major depressive disorder." Journal of Psychiatric Research (2023): 165, 56-63.


1. Kangcheng Wang, Yufei Hu, Chaogan Yan, Meiling Li, Yanjing Wu, Jiang Qiu, Xingxing Zhu and the REST-meta-MDD Consortium. “Brain structural abnormalities in adult major depressive disorder revealed by voxel- and source-based morphometry: evidence from the REST-meta-MDD Consortium.” Psychological Medicine (2022):1-11.

2. Kangcheng Wang, Qiang He, Xingxing Zhu, Yufei Hu, Yuan Yao, Bernhard Hommel, Christian Beste, Jintong Liu, Ying Yang, and Wenxin Zhang. "Smaller putamen volumes are associated with greater problems in external emotional regulation in depressed adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury." Journal of Psychiatric Research (2022): 155, 338-346.

3. Feiyu Xu, Chengliang Jin, Tiantian Zuo, Ruzhan Wang, Ying Yang, and Kangcheng Wang. "Segmental abnormalities of superior longitudinal fasciculus microstructure in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and ADHD: an automated fiber quantification tractography study." Frontiers in Psychiatry: 2794.

4. Chenyan Zhang, Christian Beste, Luisa Prochazkova, Kangcheng Wang, Sebastian P.H. Speer, Ale Smidts, Maarten A.S. Boksem and Bernhard Hommel. “Resting-state BOLD signal variability is associated with individual differences in metacontrol.” Scientific Reports (2022) :1-11.

5. 左甜甜,王康程,胡宇飞,徐飞宇,何强,杨楹,刘金同. 早期童年创伤与当前同伴环境对青少年抑郁患者非自杀性自伤行为的预测[J]. 中华精神科杂志, 2022, 55(4) : 272-280

6. 柴润玉, 王康程, 林华伟, 张俊英, 邢婕, 张华, 曹爱华. 注意缺陷多动障碍儿童及其父母攻击行为相互作用的网络分析[J]. 中国儿童保健杂志, 2022, 30(8): 845-850

7. 何强, 王康程, 杨楹, 刘树苗, 蒋忠良, 汪芷伊, 刘金同. 青少年抑郁症患者非自杀性自伤行为与功能及其相关因素[J]. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2022, 1-11.


1. Li Chen, Jiarun Song, Runtian Cheng, Kangcheng Wang, Xiaoshuang Liu, Miao He and Tianyou Luo.”Cortical Thinning in the Medial Temporal Lobe and Precuneus Is Related to Cognitive Deficits in Patients with Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease.Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2021): 12:614833.

2. Yu Liu, Jie Meng, Kangcheng Wang, Kaixiang Zhuang, Qunlin Chen, Wenjing Yang, Jiang Qiu, and Dongtao Wei. "Morphometry of the Hippocampus Across the Adult Life-Span in Patients with Depressive Disorders: Association with Neuroticism." Brain Topography (2021): 34(5):587-597.

3. Zheyi Zhou, Kangcheng Wang*, Jinxiang Tang, Dongtao Wei, Li Song, Yadong Peng, Yixiao Fu, and Jiang Qiu. "Cortical thickness distinguishes between major depression and schizophrenia in adolescents." BMC Psychiatry (2021): 21:361.

4. 王康程, 姚媛, 郭玲玲, 车超, 靳新娟, 柴润玉, 陈坤平, 冯玉苓, 邢婕, 曹爱华. 注意缺陷多动障碍不同亚型患者的脑皮质结构特征分析[J]. 中华精神科杂志, 2021, 54(5): 363-373

5. 陈坤平, 曹爱华, 姚媛, 车超, 陈坤红, 王康程, 王慧. 孤独症患者异常脑皮质厚度的研究[J]. 中华精神科杂志, 2021, 54(4): 271-279.

6. 何强, 王康程, 杨楹, 徐梦蓉, 蒋忠良, 汪芷伊, 刘金同. 青少年非自杀性自伤磁共振成像研究进展[J]. 精神医学杂志, 2021, ,(34)04,376-380.

7. Miao He, Jiarui Song, Tianyou Luo, Kangcheng Wang, Yang Li, Fajin Lv and Li Chen. "Alteration of Resting-state Functional Connectivity in the Sensorimotor Network in Patients with Thalamic Infarction." Clinical Neuroradiology (2021): 31(3):721-728.

8. Li Song, Zheyi Zhou, Jie Meng, Xingxing Zhu, Kangcheng Wang, Dongtao Wei and Jiang Qiu. “Rostral middle frontal gyrus thickness mediates the relationship between genetic risk and neuroticism trait.” Psychophysiology (2021): 58(2):e13728.


1. Xingxing Zhu, Kangcheng Wang*, Aihua Cao, Yong Zhang, and Jiang Qiu. "Personality traits and negative affect mediate the relationship between cortical thickness of superior frontal cortex and aggressive behavior." Neuroscience Letters 718 (2020): 134728.

2. Dongtao Wei, Kangcheng Wang, Jie Meng, Kaixiang Zhuang, Qunlin Chen, W Yan, Peng Xie, Jiang Qiu.” The reductions in the subcallosal region cortical volume and surface area in major depressive disorder across the adult life span.” Psychological medicine 50 (2020): 422-430.

3. Danhong Wang, Yanghua Tian, Meiling Li, Louisa Dahmani, Qiang Wei, Tongjian Bai, Franziska Galiè, Jianxun Ren, Rai Khalid Farooq, Kangcheng Wang, Jie Lu, Kai Wang and Hesheng Liu. "Functional connectivity underpinnings of electroconvulsive therapy-induced memory impairments in patients with depression." Neuropsychopharmacology 45 (2020): 1579-1587.

4. Yong Zhang, Kangcheng Wang, Chang Yue, Shan Gao, Peiyu Huang, Tao Wang, Xu Wen, Jiang Qiu, and Yan Jing Wu. "Prefrontal sensitivity to changes in language form and semantic content during speech production." Brain and language 194 (2019): 23-34.

5. Xingxing Zhu, Kangcheng Wang*, Li Chen, Aihua Cao, Qunlin Chen, Junchao Li, and Jiang Qiu, ‘Together Means More Happiness: Relationship Status Moderates the Association between Brain Structure and Life Satisfaction’, Neuroscience 384 (2018), 406-416.

6. Yong Zhang, Kangcheng Wang, Chang Yue, Nina Mo, Deping Wu, Xu Wen, and Jiang Qiu. "The motor features of action verbs: fMRI evidence using picture naming." Brain and language 179 (2018): 22-32.

7. Dongtao Wei, Kaixiang Zhuang, Lei Ai, Qunlin Chen, Wenjing Yang, Wei Liu, Kangcheng Wang, Jiang-Zhou Sun, and Jiang Qiu. "Structural and functional brain scans from the cross-sectional Southwest University adult lifespan dataset."  Scientific Data 5 (2018) 180134.

8. Di Wu, Kangcheng Wang*, Dongtao Wei, Qunlin Chen, Xue Du, Junyi Yang, and Jiang Qiu, 'Perfectionism Mediated the Relationship between Brain Structure Variation and Negative Emotion in a Nonclinical Sample', Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 17 (2017), 211-23.

9. Kangcheng Wang, Huang Hui*, Li Chen, Xin Hou, Yong Zhang, Junyi Yang, Xin Hao, and Jiang Qiu, "MRI Correlates of Interaction between Gender and Expressive Suppression among the Chinese Population", Neuroscience 347 (2017), 76-84.

10. Tao Wang, Kangcheng Wang*, Hang Qu, Jingjing Zhou, Qi Li, Zhou Deng, Xue Du, Fajin Lv, Gaoping Ren, and Jing Guo, 'Disorganized Cortical Thickness Covariance Network in Major Depressive Disorder Implicated by Aberrant Hubs in Large-Scale Networks', Scientific reports, 6 (2016).

11. 王康程, 王韬, 蒙杰, . 抑郁易感性因素的神经机制. 科学通报, 2016, 61: 654–667

12. 王康程, 吴国榕, 侯鑫, . 从群体到个体脑功能网络的分割及应用. 科学通报, 2016, 61: 3022–3035

13. Kangcheng Wang, Dongtao Wei, Junyi Yang, Peng Xie, Xin Hao, and Jiang. Qiu, 'Individual Differences in Rumination in Healthy and Depressive Samples: Association with Brain Structure, Functional Connectivity and Depression', Psychological medicine, 45 (2015), 2999-3008.
